As we know daily consumption of plastic bottles is more than 100 million and almost 80% of used plastic bottles are discarded everyday. Lots of toxic produce by plastic bottles and its not easy not biodegrading. It took 100 years to decompose.
plastic becomes a major issue for environment health and human health too. Many scientists have given proof regarding use of plastic, plastic products not good for health they cause cancer as per research. Cancer was a very rare disease down the line 200 years ago. That time we are not using plastic much but after plastic comes to our daily need we are getting more cancer cases regularly.
To support our environment health, green ride india requesting you to reuse empty bottles in gardening, plantation and many more uses to support the environment. With your little steps towards the environment we can reduce wastage and we can do beautiful decor with the help of these useless bottle waste.
So now whenever you buy any plastic drink bottle, cold drinks or water bottle, do not just throw it in the dustbin or in waste, just use it to make something beautiful decor.
1. Free Vertical Hanging Garden by used plastic bottle
We can use empty plastic bottles to make a vertical hanging garden by cutting one side of the bottle vertically and fill it with good soil & fertiliser. These types of vertical gardens are very trending these days. People are decorating their empty wall and empty space with these vertical gardens.
Additionally, these give them multiple benefits like fresh air, fruits, herbs, vegetables and more.
2. Free Plants & Flower Pots by used bottles
We can use empty bottles to make our small pots to support our nature and stop wastage.
Before throwing these empty bottles we must think about reuse of these, so with the help of a small knife or cutter we can cut half of the bottle and make some pin holes in the bottom and lower bottom of these empty bottles, fill with fertilizer and natural soil and can be used as pots.
We can also decor these as per your need and other decor or table color.
3. Free Bird House by empty used Plastic bottles.
Birds are very small and beautiful creature of our nature or earth, to save them we have to take few necessary steps and we have to take responsibilities to save them till last we can do, so if we have small garden we can try to make small bird house too with the help of this wasted bottles and these bottles are very good for their nest.
As we know these bottles are not easy to biodegradable so it will remain the same for many years and we can give this house to birds which can be used by many birds for years.
Steps to make bird nests by plastic bottles.
- Need 2-3 empty bottles or as many you need, 1 bottle per nest we are taking.
- Cut it between the center vertically round so birds can enter in this.
- Fill it with dry grass and decor as you like.
- Attach some light rope or thread to hand this from the bottle cap side.
- Hand this on some tree or some corner where you see birds going more.
4. Free Birds feeder with empty plastic bottles.
In India people feed more to birds, as per Hindu mythology bird feeding is considered as a very good karma and it helps to boost their karma too.
It also creates a good aura around us. If we are sitting in some park or in our lobbies, balconies and feeding the birds, they create good vibes around us and produce very positive energies. To save our natural environment we must feed birds and other animals too.
So to help them we can create a bird feeder at zero cost we just need 1 empty plastic bottle, 2 spoons and 1 small rope or thread to hand.
Thanks you reading our ideas, please share your ideas too, we will post on our blog.